Who We Are

About Our Company

Market Gate is the first marketing agency in Egypt that is fully dedicated to the technology industry, with over 15 years of experience in B2B diversified marketing activities in the IT industry we understand the complexity of products and services offered to clients by numerous technology providers. We know how to target market and bridge the gap between sales and customers in order to boost ROI through constant innovation.

Through our experience and knowledge of the IT industry we are able to develop and implement marketing strategies that has the added value which will attract the right customers for you. Our objective is not only to attract customers but to RETAIN them so that you have a long term business relationship. We achieve this by working very closely with our clients and we have developed our own methodology of integrated operational and tactical marketing mix to meet the technology industry which consists of 4 stages.

Identify the “Product”

Whether it is an innovation or an existing product we understand the technology industry and provide guidance by clearly identifying how each product fits in the different ICT environment and in which sector to create the suitable marketing activity, that is our USP

Recognize the target market ” People ”

Due to our experience we are able to identify for every technology which sector fits best and who the target audience is which can range from engineers to CEOs and ultimately the end user

Know “ When ”

Timing for any marketing activity plays a major role, when an event, call or social media takes place is crucial to the success of any campaign

Distinguish the “ Place ”

Location and chosen channels of any activity plays a role in terms of attendance, viewership and engagement to achieve best ROI

Why Market Gate ?

Market Gate is a pool of diversified and highly qualified marketers with over 15 years of experience in the ICT industry; we are positioned to act as an external marketing arm to your company and develop and implement your marketing strategies.

We are able efficiently identify the proper mix between traditional and modern marketing for the success of any campaign to achieve high ROI
Our Unique selling proposition is built on a partnership model with our clients based on 6 key pillars:


Start with Marketing Concept

In order to achieve high ROI and maximize profits we start by understanding and identifying the needs of our clients in order to provide the suitable marketing strategies to fulfill it.


Develop Full brand identity

With our knowledge in the industry we guide you to understand where you stand in the market through competitor analysis to identify your unique value selling proposition, and develop strategies to achieve brand identity.


Create great solutions

Supporting the digital transformation of your sales and marketing we use the right mix of traditional and modern marketing tactics to achieve your goals


Present best designs

Building the most captivating and unique designs that will capture the interest of your target audience.



All activities are implemented in the highest of quality to reflect the image of the company and achieve short and long term objectives.


Boost Sales

We are committed through proper planning and utilizing the correct marketing strategies for our clients to see the return on their investment after each campaign.


Our Mission

Our mission it to guide companies in the ICT industry in Egypt to gain competitive advantage and increase sales while building long term relationship with their clients through well planned marketing activities. We strive to continuously improve our services and always be up to date with all technologies and new trending marketing channels in order to serve our customers better.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the pioneers in the market and be the number 1 marketing agency of choice for companies and vendors within the ICT industry.

Our Values

We live by our values and principles throughout all aspects of our business, we act with integrity, honesty and respect. Market Gate acts in complete confidentiality and ensures full compliance with all laws and codes of conduct.