Video Marketing

A photo is worth thousand words, imagine the worth of a video

Video marketing is a great asset to any organization, being able to communicate your company’s value to your customers is extremely important as sometimes even the most experienced sales reps can fumble and lose the main message.

Videos boost information retention, when customers hear something 10% of that information is retained 3 days later however when what they hear is accompanied by visuals it goes up to 65%.

Video marketing can complete other activities or standalone it can be used to promote your company, product/services, capture an implementation / event or promote customer testimonials to give that extra credibility and trust to your company.

Market gate is experienced in developing different types of video marketing, we know when it is needed and which style will work with your target customers. Video marketing when channeled correctly can be used as SEO through the backlinks to the site, with its likes and shares which will boost traffic to the website.

We will develop your video marketing strategy from start to finish, from the needed budget, storyboard and how it will engage your audience, shooting the video till it is published, so leave it up to us to promote your business.